La Samaritaine Paris Pont-Neuf
Revenue €11,754m -18% vs 2019(1) +18% vs 2020(1)
Profit from recurring operations €534m -62% vs 2019
Operating margin 4.5%
(1) With comparable structure and constant exchange rates.
La Samaritaine Paris Pont-Neuf
In Selective Retailing, organic revenue was up 18% compared to 2020 and down 18% compared to 2019 due to the impact of travel retail. Profit from recurring operations was back in positive territory in 2021.
Sephora surpassed its 2019 level of activity, benefiting from the strong rebound in its stores and the continued momentum of its online sales. The expansion of its store network continued, mainly in China and the United States, notably following on from its major partnership with the American retailer Kohl's. In addition to signing a partnership with the European online platform Zalando, Sephora acquired the British online distributor Feelunique, which specialises in prestige beauty. The health crisis continued to weigh on the activities of DFS due to the persistent weakness in the numbers of travelers. The T Gallerias in Macau nevertheless performed well thanks to growing demand from local customers and DFS launched operations in Hainan. La Samaritaine, which reopened in Paris in June after an ambitious renovation, saw an encouraging level of customer traffic. Le Bon Marché continued to develop innovative concepts and benefited from the return of a loyal French customer base. The 24S digital platform recorded strong growth, driven by the unique nature of its selection process and its Parisian market positioning.